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shenzhen plentiful electronic technology ltd

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Name: shenzhen plentiful electronic technology ltd
Address: rm709,bldg3,jinghua court,huafa road north.futian district,shenzhen
Tel No.: +8626966459
Post Code.: 518057
Conpamy Code.: 4403779856768
Bussiness Nature: limited
Founded Time: 2005/9/16
Registered Capital: 75000 USD
Number of Employees:
Chinese Name: 深圳市朴麟电子技术有限公司
Chinese Address: 深圳市福田区华发北路京华大院3栋709

shenzhen plentiful electronic technology ltd is a limited Company, We buding in -2005/9/16- and the registered capital is ---500,000 RMB, and we have -- of staff.

Our Company Type is The main Business scope of shenzhen plentiful electronic technology ltd is --, and our Company Code is 4403779856768

We are in China Charm City Shenzhen, Guangdong
You can contact with us by Email or Just to our Office.

Our Office address is: rm709,bldg3,jinghua court,huafa road north.futian district,shenzhen

Our Chines Name: 深圳市朴麟电子技术有限公司
Chinese Address: 深圳市福田区华发北路京华大院3栋709
Legal Person: 吕强
( Maybe you need this info to contact with Chinese. )

You also Can view our Website for more info:

Street Address:
rm709,bldg3,jinghua court,huafa road north.futian district,shenzhen

Phone:   +86 26966459

shenzhen plentiful electronic technology ltd

Listing added on: 11/04/16 Total hits: 136
rm709,bldg3,jinghua court,huafa road north.futian district,shenzhen
Shenzhen, Guangdong

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